Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 2014 Year of our Lord

Hello everyone John here from Gatsby Timber  check me out on Pinterest, Instagram , Etsy , Ebay

I am just starting my first blog.  This blog is for my creative side!  I call my shop/studio Gatsby Timber.  I make custom decor, art , furniture , etc.

      One of my many gifts God has blessed me with is this.  I make most items from free things I acquire (legally of course). I love The Lord Jesus with all my heart.  I tend to mention Him quite often. I want to personally thank Him for what He did and continues to do for all of US.  Some may say they do not believe in God or think it is silly to believe.  I was once a non believer.  I was blind.  God blinds us sometimes. (Interesting I know)  I truly believe and Hope one day you will believe and if you do already you are blessed and you were chosen(the Elect) before the beginning of time. I have seen God do  many miracles. I see God working everyday.  I will take it easy today on my preaching today. I hope you will continue to read my blogs.  I will not judge or condemn anyone. I have missed many friendships and times of joy by looking with my earthly eyes.(Judging books by the cover instead of reading the inside) Selling my items is not about money. I like blessing people. I like seeing Joy in people.  It truly is better to give than receive. Jesus was right.  I will interact and accept Anyone ! Like I just said it is not about the money.  The Lord is my life He provides for me. I do not depend on selling items online I just enjoy the gift I have received and sharing it..  I urge you to give me a chance. Do not let my love for God steer you away.  We are all children of God . You will be treated as such.  If you are interested in talking please let me know old sport.

  Alright first off grammar Nazi's remain silent !  I am happy with the way I communicate and feel in this case criticism will be futile and a distraction to the coolness that will ensue. 

Whale where to start? lol

This little fella is what got me started on Etsy.  I saw this little Vineyard Vines logo and thought hey that is way cool.   I cut it out of wood and painted it up. People actually dig these a lot.  These are for sale on Etsy in my shop.

  One day the Wife (Beyond Beautiful Woman of my Dreams) and I were at a flea market.  Let me tell you I love flea markets, antique stores, thrift shops etc.  I have what some people would call a strange brain.  I see beauty in many areas our everyday lives.  It is hidden everywhere among us take a close look you shall see. I like to make stuff out of free stuff I told you !  I am getting off the story.  So I see a real antique dynamite blasting machine.  I really want this thing. I think I have always wanted it since the road runner and coyote cartoons !  If you are too young to know what that is bless your heart!.  A blasting machine is a old school tool that detonates dynamite. So I see it and I ask the man "how much fur dat dynamite box there?"  He says "I 'll give you a deal  $399" .   I replied "Good Day Sir!"  I then decided I can make my own.  Pictures below .   I plan on making ones that look just like the originals soon.  I have made some that actually have a real toilet plunger in them !!     Well something really cool happened to me !  A blessing from The Lord Jesus.  A real movie producer contacted me!   He did not tell me at first why, but needed a box and HE wanted MINE !!! ML Maniacal laugh . He needed a prop.   He needed it quick and I did not think it could happen.  Money was not a issue timing was however.  He is in Chicago and I am in Atlanta.  Ben Mahoney Productions Videos that Rock on Vimeo. Check him out!  Tell him I sent you.  Well he is shooting a commercial for Chef Boyardee sweet dude.  So I got him the box just in time I tell you The Lord Jesus got that box there. So yeah it is featured in a upcoming Chef Boyardee commercial.  Pretty knarley ehh

Well I guess I will wind down here for today.  I will try to post up everyday or other day or when I can lol.  I am working on some American flag stuff.  Hey I have an Idea if you are reading this consider passing me a idea of something you would like to see created.  I love to help people so if you need a tutorial or DIY let me know I can recreate just about everything. I pray someone will read this and let us have a good time please Drop me a line :) sincerely -John

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will eat with him, and he with me. - Jesus

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